Buddy Beats The Master

Once upon a time Buddy and his friends were having a LAN party at his house. It was almost midnight and they were in the middle of trying to beat their parkour times on Minecraft. That’s when Buddy got a notification that someone by the name of The Game Master had sent him a message on Steam.

“Hello, Buddy. Today I thought you and I might play a game together,” Buddy read aloud, raising his eyebrow at the use of his real name.

Eli, Brandon, and Joe all looked up from their game in curiosity.

MrMcDoom: Who is this? Call me MrMcDoom.

The Game Master: In due time, Buddy. In a moment you will see a red light aiming at one of your friends from the window. If you refuse to cooperate, I’ll be forced to give my man perched outside the go ahead to take immediate action.

Buddy raced to the window, scanning the yard for this man. Seconds later, a red laser light appeared directed at Eli’s chest.

“Get down!” he yelled, as the others all ducked out of view.

Buddy crawled back to his computer as more messages popped up.

The Game Master: Now, now, now. I thought you would do that, I just wanted to show I mean business. If you’ll look outside you will see something that I hope will motivate you more to cooperate.

Buddy crawled to the window, poking his eyes up just enough to see outside. He squinted, trying to see through the dark. He could make out two silhouettes standing in the dark, one being much larger than the other.
Suddenly, one figure fumbled in the dark before turning on a flashlight to show who was next to him. Buddy gasped when he saw his sister, Bella, with a rag around her mouth and arms tied. He quickly crawled back to his computer.

MrMcDoom: What do you want?
The Game Master: To play a game of your choosing. If you can beat me, I’ll let your sister go. If I win, you will never see her again.

MrMcDoom: Why?

The Game Master: Why for the fun, of course!

Buddy chose the game Bed Wars on Minecraft, knowing he was an expert. His friends all anxiously gathered around him as he went through the long and grueling game. As teams were eliminated one by one, it came down to just

Buddy and The Game Master. In one quick battle, Buddy knocked The Game Master off the edge and won.
A few moments later there was a knock on the door and they came down to open it, seeing Bella standing there freed.
They were never contacted by the Game Master again, and Buddy had saved the day.

Bella Makes A Deal

Bella laid on her bed absent-mindedly and stared at an episode of Parks and Rec while she waited. It was 4 AM, and she had been expecting the delivery at 3 AM. She tabbed over to her OurWorld and attempted to login to the proxy account. She logged in, but it still hadn’t been delivered. She was expecting at least forty-three thousand gems on this account, but she hadn’t heard anything from Rachel, who was one of the higher ups in the pyramid scheme.

She didn’t panic. But, she was getting bored, so she went downstairs and played some Town of Salem. She had ended up with Survivor, probably the worst role in the game. She sighed, and told everyone she was the survivor. The next round, she was killed by the serial killer.

‘Who needs Town of Salem anyway?’ She thought as she checked her kik. She had a message from Rachel, the delivery had gone through. It had been late because of an internet issue. At this point she went back up and stocked another one of her OurWorld accounts and posted it on ebay for nine hundred dollars.

But she was still unhappy that her underlings hadn’t delivered promptly, so she went to her basement and grabbed her burner cellphone. She called Mike, one of her favorite reptile sellers. After some small talk she convinced him to deliver a couple live crocodiles with their mouths muzzled. She wasn’t looking to hurt anyone, but a message needed to get across.

You see, Bella was the leader of the most successful scamming scheme you might have a chance to get involved in on OurWorld. She was in college to become a reptile veterinarian, but it actually didn’t take much of her time to run the scamming scheme because she had gained many loyal followers and was able to set up a pyramid scheme type deal.

She was very bored. She decided to go draw some anime people with weird noses, her usual go-to when she couldn’t think of anything to do. A half hour later, she had resulted in a beautiful picture except a very bizarre looking nose. Satisfied, she hung it on the wall. Her phone buzzed.

She checked it. Her account on ebay had sold, but more importantly, her komodo dragon was being delivered at about noon. It was pretty early, only 7 AM. So she went to bed and woke up at eleven, put on some makeup and waited.

Someone knocked at the door. She opened it to a nervous looking UPS driver holding a leash to an unhappy looking komodo dragon. She signed off, and took it inside, saddled it up, and rode it into the sunset.

Mom Makes The Sacrifice

There was once a great mom who went by the name of Vickie Engel. Vickie Engel was a very good person who had some weird, but also funny quirks. For example, she narrates everything she is doing for no reason which is pretty funny. Also she has a habit of turning on an A.C. or fan in a room and then just leaves the room and doesn’t come back. But she was also very nice to her kids. She would always do them small favors like get them requests at the grocery store, or cleaning, or doing dishes, or letting the kids use her phone. Continue reading “Mom Makes The Sacrifice”