Dad Feeds His Family

Once upon a time there was a large family struggling to get by but nevertheless succeeding. With six kids and a crazy dog, there were a lot of mouths to feed and not much to feed them with. The father of the family saw this issue and continued to work hard to supply for his family. But that’s when disaster struck. One normal day while the family was visiting a campsite they owned out in the woods there was a zombie outbreak.

The zombies were a special breed that specifically targeted well populated areas and because of that it was safest for the family to stay at the campsite. There was plenty of water (not necessarily clean) and places to sleep (though they were rough). The one thing the family was short on was food- possibly the hardest thing to come by but also the most important.

Looking at his starving children, the father knew he had to do something and with that he took the only weapons he had, a knife and an old gun with very little ammo, and set out to find food, leaving his worried children behind. Once the father got a ways off into the woods he started his deer call. A supposed super power, though less impressive than his abilities with bears, he could attract any deer with in a five mile radius.

Within minutes a doe appeared and the father hunted it, killed it, skinned it, and prepared it to be eaten. He dragged the heavy doe back to his children all on his own and gave it to his wife to cook on the fire she had prepared as he sat back. He relaxed from his hard work as the tasty smell of venison permeated the air and his children were fed.