Buddy Beats The Master

Once upon a time Buddy and his friends were having a LAN party at his house. It was almost midnight and they were in the middle of trying to beat their parkour times on Minecraft. That’s when Buddy got a notification that someone by the name of The Game Master had sent him a message…

Bella Makes A Deal

Bella laid on her bed absent-mindedly and stared at an episode of Parks and Rec while she waited. It was 4 AM, and she had been expecting the delivery at 3 AM. She tabbed over to her OurWorld and attempted to login to the proxy account. She logged in, but it still hadn’t been delivered.…

Dad Calls Them In

It was a Saturday about 3 pm, we were on our way to grandmas and we saw a deer. “Should I call it?” dad said. I told him I would prefer it if he didn’t because I just wanted to get to grandmas.

Mom Makes The Sacrifice

There was once a great mom who went by the name of Vickie Engel. Vickie Engel was a very good person who had some weird, but also funny quirks. For example, she narrates everything she is doing for no reason which is pretty funny. Also she has a habit of turning on an A.C. or…